I’m often asked can frail elderly people really get strong again and how old is too old to start a strength training program. A study* of people over the age of 90 who where put on a strength training program had the following results. They:
The amazing thing is that these results were accomplished in just 14 weeks of strength training working out only 15-20 minutes twice per week. The exercises consisted of a five-machine Nautilus program and each exercise was performed for one set of 8 to 12 repetitions to the point of moderate muscle fatigue. When 12 repetitions were completed in good form (slow movement speed and full movement range), the weightload was increased by about five percent.
Avoid the pitfalls of becoming frail and elderly by starting a strength training program today. But remember, even after 90, it’s never to late to get strong.
*Wayne L. Westcott
, Ph.D., C.S.C.S, is Fitness Research Director at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, MA.
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