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You DON'T have to fall apart
as you age!

The Warrior Way™ is a unique approach to help women of a "certain age" take charge and change the way they age.

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It's not too late. You're not too old. You can still renew your passion, fulfill your purpose and embrace your power. Unleash your inner warrior. Start the journey today!

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WARRIOR STRONG is your personalized strength and fitness program. Discover how becoming strong the Warrior Way™ helps transform the challenges of aging into new capacities for vitality, personal power and self-fulfillment.

WARRIOR STRONG is your personalized strength and fitness program. Discover how becoming strong the Warrior Way™ helps transform the challenges of aging into new capacities for vitality, personal power and self-fulfillment.

Transform the challenges of aging into new capacities for vitality, personal power and self-fulfillment. Discover your strength the Warrior Way™ .


Women age. Warriors evolve.


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What do you desire?
A more fulfilling life?

The Warrior Way can help you achieve the strength to accomplish your goals.

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Discover your Inner Warrior~Your Strength

You are stronger, more powerful than you can even imagine. Signup today and receive a FREE GIFT as well as information, inspiration and motivation

Enjoy every day!

You don’t have to fall apart as you age.

Take charge and change how you age.  Every body is different & everybody is different. 
A personalized program that meets your needs, abilities & is enjoyable–the right one for you can change your life!
You can become stronger, more fit, & function better at any age.

Practically Fit interviews Joan Maiden

Click the link above to hear my first interview on the podcast!

Uncharted Territory

January 26th, 2025 by Joan Maiden

Moving into uncharted territory can be intimidating. The unknown is often frightening. Ancient maps labeled that area “Here be Dragons”. This year, I challenge you to step off the edge of your map and look those dragons of fear in the face. Stepping out of your comfort zone into uncharted territory can feel scary and daunting, especially when life has settled into a familiar rhythm–your comfort zone. Have you mapped out your goals for 2025? How challenging will they be? Are they within your comfort zone or do they push you to grow?

Here’s the truth: Growth doesn’t have an age limit. The courage to step off the edge of comfort and into the unknown isn’t reserved for the young; it’s for the bold, the brave, and the curious—women like you.

Why Now?
